Saturday, April 30, 2011

April Training Review

After completing the Canberra Marathon at the start of April this month has been slow. Apart from two slow recovery runs on the Tuesday and Wednesday after the Marathon I have not been able to do any running.  It is funny how my frustration levels grow when I am not able to train.  I have really noticed this during the down time.  I should be back on the road this Monday and I am looking forward to it.  I love this part of the training cycle because I am full of enthusiasm and desire to train, my motivation is very high.

I feel I have used the down time well.  Kerryn and the brilliant guys from Norwest Sportsphysio got my body back to normal and had me walking without any pain 3 days after the Marathon.  I felt so good I did a 10k when I was told not too, I pulled up ok but then thought better of it.  I have not risked it since because I know I will pay for it further down the track.

Apart from getting my body right with physio and swimming I have made a big effort to get my diabetes under better control.  My A1c was 6.7 which is not too bad but I probably need to get it closer to the magic number 5 if I am going to be serious about the Marathons.  I also need to reduce the gap between my highest readings and lowest readings thus making my sugars more consistant.  It is funny how you can read and read and read about other people's experiences and tips but until you make the mistakes yourself you will not fully understand.  The last couple of marathons have been a learning curve I have learnt the basics but I think it is time to get some professional help.

I have my holidays getting referrals for a diabetes care team. My GP suggested this would be very beneficial so she set me up to have a Team Care Assessment done.  The idea is because I have a chronic condition which lasts more than 6months I am entitled to 5 specialist visits per year.  This is great as it will save me a couple of thousand dollars a year.  So thank you to my new GP as none of my previous local doctors have told me this was even available.  I have now made an appointment to see my Endo who I have not seen since my honeymoon.  I have also made an appointment with a sports physician to discuss my diabetes, diet and marathon running.  I then made an appointment with a good sports podiatrist to keep my feet in shape as foot care is important for diabetics and even more so for diabetic runners.  I will also keep my standard appointments with the wonderful Norwest Physio team.  

To further improve my diabetes I downloaded a app for my iphone Glucose Buddy which is a cool app.  It allows me to enter and keep track of my medication, diet and activity.  It turns all this data into a graph so I can keep track of how far outside the 5.5 mmol/L daily average I am. It also has links to diabetes forums and online magazines which I have found very helpful.  I was testing 12 times a day for the first week of my holidays to get a true indication of my daily patterns before exercise the next step is to do some heavy testing while exercise and compare the differences.  I am looking forward to finding all this out.  In terms of my diabetes April has been a big month, it has been a big step in the right direction . . . I even joined a Diabetic running club for the Melbourne Marathon I filled out all the online enrolment forms but have not heard back yet I am really pumped about this.  I hope it all works out. 

So now my focus will move to the Cities M7 Marathon which will take place at the end of the next school holidays.  I am thinking I may approach the school and see if we can organise members of our school community to be involved in the kids marathon on the day and raise some money for Diabetes Australia or the Juvenile Diabetes Foundation.  

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