Tuesday, October 25, 2011

I'm back!

I have been missing in action for quite some time now but I'm back. Since my last post I have completed the M7 and the Melbourne Marathons. My focus for the marathons prior to Melbourne was to train hard and consistently as possible. My starting best time was 4h 43 mins I have consistently improved my PB by 12 mins every run and am now down to a 4h 15 min PB. After the M7 marathon I was over running as I was hypo during every marathon and it was having a negative effect on my health. I was at the point of giving up when I figured out maybe my fitness is not the most important thing (I'm running for recreation I am not a competitive runner) I decided to reduce my training to nothing and focus on getting my blood sugars correct and have a better race management plan. This was the best thing I did this year. Prior to the Melbourne marathon I ran a total of 5 times with a total distance of 65km. My total k's were less than my previous weekly average. I went into the Melbourne marathon with a solid race plan and I was happy with this. The night before I halved my lantus from 28 units to 14 units, I ate a normal breakfast and reduced my novorapid by 20% before the race. I tested at breakfast then 30mins before the race. 15 mins before the race I had 2 gu chomps while standing on the start line. From there the race went and I alternated between water and powerade at every drink station. I tested every 10km. This worked well for the whole race. I did go a bit low at the 28km but only 3.8mmol. As I expected I struggled for the last quarter of the race due to my lack of fitness however I finished with a PB so I was stoked about this. I learnt a lot from this run and again I am motivated and energized. I have a little more to do in terms

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