Tuesday, April 12, 2011

2010 City to Surf

This is funny I'm doing this post from the apple store in castle hill testing out the new IPad2. Looking back at the 2010 City to Surf it was probably one of my best runs of the year. I think in am more suited to the 10km - 20km events but I still love the challenge of finishing the Marathon. The day was amazing. We were blessed with beautiful weather, great event staff and awesome people to run with. I was running the City to Surf with my wife and a friend from work. My wife decided she wanted to challenge herself as she had recently begun running for fitness and Ernesto is a seasoned veteran of the event. Every year he tells me how good the event is and I should go in it. I was proud to be running with Anita and Ernie and it was a great lead up . . . no pressure just a fun run.

It had been a long time since I had been in a big event like the City to Surf the energy off the participants is amazing. I realized the start was divided into 3 starting groups and we were in the last start group. As the start countdown began and we ran off with excitement in our faces I realized it was going to be hard to just jog the whole way. I did the first km with Anita and Ernie and Anita could see I was getting frustrated being in the large section of the crowd. She smiled and told me to go. . . That's why we are married.

So I took off and ran through the crowd I was feeling very comfortable and keeping a decent pace about 4.40 for each km. The run was beautiful some highlights were running along New South Head Road seeing a different side of Kings Cross and Double Bay. The performers along the way were very cool but the best view is the finish running down to the finish line and seeing the beach full of hundreds of thousands of people the finish of any race is a good moment but the races where there are spectacular sights are even better and this is one of those races.

All in all this was a great event for me my sugars were good, I felt comfortable and best of all no hypos. Job well done. While I was waiting for Anita and Ernesto to finish I got talking with a guy who finished near me. He was wearing a New York City marathon finishers singlet. I asked him all about the experience and training leading up to the event and my mind was flooded with ideas. The biggest idea was I have to experience the New York City Marathon. That event was the first to go onto my lifetime ultimate run list.

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