Sunday, November 6, 2011

I have found a new activity

After completing the Melbourne marathon I have had problems with my ITB. When my ITB gets tight I get bad pains in my right knee. To let my ITB settle down, I have not run at all this month. After two weeks of rest and recovery I found myself getting grumpy and my blood sugars were up and down. I needed to get back to a normal training cycle. A friend suggested trying cycling and let me borrow his bike to try it out. I discovered I am not too bad on a bike. I am also not great but I prefer the glass half full approach. I have done a little bit of riding before but never really got into a training cycle. For the past week I have been cycling at least 5 km every day. This still agrivates my ITB a little, but not as much as running. The highlight of cycling has been an 80km ride along the M7. I am hoping to make this a weekly event and add cycling permanently to my exercise regime. Its early days but I think the Sydney to the Gong ride could be an event on my 2012 calandar.

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